
Our school is proud of the traditions, high expectations, and inviting atmosphere that make it a good place to learn and grow.

Friday, February 27, 2009

We Are Family !!!

Down through the ages it is a known fact: When worst comes to can always depend on your family. That is exactly what happened today with our R. L. Young family. When bad weather threatened... the family jumped into place to take care of each precious little life at our school. The children positioned themselves during the possibility of damaging winds. However, as the threat seemed to be deminishing for our area, it became evident that it was lunch time for our little ones. As a precautionary measure, Mrs. Thomas worked with the lunchroom and arranged a "picnic in the hall" for the lower grades. This insured the safety of the kids, and took care of their grumbling tummies at the same time. Thanks to everyone who jumped in to make sure that this went off without a hitch. Not to mention the fact that it made,what is sometimes a scary time for the younger students, a pretty fun memory of today.

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